Welcome to the CATHOLIC AVIATION ASSOCIATION (CAA) website! Our VISION is to be a witness for Jesus Christ and the Christian values that are the necessary foundation for a strong and fruitful society. OUR MISSION is to CONNECT Catholics interested or involved in any aspect of aviation, to facilitate networking and support one another as we journey through these challenging times. We want to become THE meeting place for Catholics in the worldwide aviation community. We invite you to READ THE LETTER from our Chairman of the Board, embrace our VISION and COME ABOARD to help us accomplish our MISSION! And be sure to explore our website, especially our CAA News Digest (see menu) and our Being Catholic page.
We want to:
1.) Connect Catholics in the workplace with one another to mutually encourage each other to growth in holiness and to offer
encouragement and strength in times of temptation and to learn how to avoid temptation to sin.
2.) Encourage members to be fully informed by access to over 20 authentically-Catholic news and views sources.
3.) Promote education in the faith through a powerful online apologetics resource; and to teach members how to promote
and defend their Catholic faith and how to pray the Mass more effectively.
4.) Where practical, to arrange social activities for encouragement, fellowship and recreation.
5.) Encourage action by prayers, fasting and almsgiving to act as patriots passionate about saving our country.
6.) Likewise to encourage internal conversion and reform in our Church, fidelity to the magisterial teachings of the Church
and reverent worship in our liturgies.
CAA News Digest Daily Scripture Reading from USCCB
What's new at CAA?
2/5/25--New prayer before using the Internet on the CAA Prayer page.
1/20/25--Links to recommended articles have been restored in the CAA NEWS DIGEST page, a great place to start you day!
1/19/25--In order to help you with your daily examination of conscience, a daily examen link has been added to the Catholic Prayer page.
11/27/24--United's skies unfriendly to Catholic flight Attendant, fired employee says
Help CAA establish airport adoration or other Catholic prayer spaces at US airports
Help us establish adoration at airport chapels all across the USA. The power of adoration is a conduit for the graces and power of Jesus Christ for travelers and flight crews and support associates is a powerful antidote and offset to weakness many feel against temptation when traveling and in the airport workplace. If you would like to be a part of this mission, please contact us. (1/6/24)
Seeking Director of Chapter Development
CAA is seeking someone to act in the title of Director of Chapter Development. CAA seeks to develop and provide support for chapters in all 50 states and internationally. If you would be interested in this, or would like to suggest someone qualified and passionate about their Catholic faith, please contact us. (10/14/23)
CAA supports everyone with an interest in any aspect of aviation, aerospace and flying.
An airplane flies over and everyone looks up. We see someone flying an RC model and we pause to watch. We see a movie with flying in it and we think “I want to do that”. Maybe flying a simulator captures our thoughts. It seems we are naturally drawn to the fascinating world of flight. Whatever the aviation interest and goals one has, CAA seeks to help you in your pursuits. We are continually building a database of members and their interests which may be consulted to find other members with similar interests, and where knowledge and assistance can be obtained and shared.
CAA fosters fellowship among Catholics in the aviation community by establishing and supporting a network of Catholic Aviation Association Chapters.
God intends for us to live with a relationship with Him and with each other. Chapters bring together Catholics involved in all aspect of aviation and provide a venue for planning and participating in various activities, sharing/developing aviation knowledge/skills, and growing in faith. We encourage family participation.
Educational Resources:
Volunteer Opportunities
Networking Opportunities
Corporate Member Benefits