The United States of America has been and remains the greatest country in the world. Indices often cited suggest otherwise but America's greatness is best understood beyond numbers. At its heart the United States is, hands down, the greatest experiement in self-governance, freedom and the most profound storehouse of spiritual devotion in the history of the world.
If other countries have come to know freedom and measurable metrics better that the United States, then it must be acknowledged that the United States was often their inspiration, the indispensible shining city on the hill. And we must also admit that our country is in a state of troubling decline in ways where we were once the unquestioned world leader.
Today America is engaged in a great civil war, not to conquer its capital, but one in which the enemy, Satan, wishes to capture and devour its soul, something far worse than physical occupation of a people or a city. The war is being waged by invisible forces of evil but the effects are quite visible. Beginning with abortion, understanding that Pope John Paul II taught that all rights--no exception--are subordinate to the right-to-life. And these aren't the only fronts in our spiritual war.
Our ability to be self-governing is being questioned and socialism, once never even remotely considered, is now included in the discussion of what we are to become. Our educational institutions are underperforming and some are run by tyrants frankly opposed to intellectual free inquiry, enforcing speech codes and decicated to only one collectivist train of thought foreign to the American ideal. The poor remain poor and too often promises of action to lift them to participate in the American dream never materializes. This of course is not an all-inclusive list of the chronic problems we face as a nation.
CAA seeks through the traditional Catholic means of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to oppose this trend, and to petition heaven for help, for reform, the restoration of the good and a return to the path of seeking, with God's help, the goals implicit in the Declararation of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Recognizing the Church's preferential option for the poor, we encourage all Catholics to understand that a nation's spiritual health is impeded by poverty and that to respond to grace to help the poor is not optional. And there is no progress outside the moral order.
All miracles happen only by the power of God and the intercession of the saints, most powerfully through the intercession of our Blessed Mother who causes Satan and his army to tremble and wither. This section is to inform and provide activities, chapter and individually, in which we in the aviation community can, through God's blessings and intervention, secure again the blessings of liberty and faith without which liberty is both meaningless and impossible.
On the need to become and remain Catholic
A non-Catholic can attain heaven. This has been the teaching of the Church for centuries but as I told my religious ed students, there are 40,000+ Christian religions all professing fidelity to Scripture, a doctrine of scripture alone (sola scriptura) and often faith-alone-works-not-needed (sola fide), all insisting their Christian religions posess the fullness of following Jesus Christ. This of course is not possible. And this stew of Christian religions is a modern day metaphorical Tower of Babel.
The Catholic Church offers its faithful the maximum number and kind of powerful tools to reach salvation because the Catholic Church possesses and acts on the fullness of the truth of Jesus Christ towering above all other Christian religions. Most Christian religions have at least some truth within, but like a crafstman who only has a few tools, he may be able to accomplish a great amount of work with those tools, but he is nowhere as enabled as his Catholic counterpart who, acting faithfully, is in relationship with 2000+ years of saints, and the Blessed Mother. He has the Bible: the Church gives us the Bible, the Bible doesn't give us the Church (as non-Catholic Christians errantly believe). He has the writings of the early Church Fathers, contemporaries of the Apostles and disciples of Jesus and earliest interpreters of the Word being the earliest Christians having proximity in time to Jesus. He has the martyrs of the first 400 years under Roman persecution and martyrs going forward for 21 centurines, including today, including real martyrdom in which blood is shed and a kind of dry martyrdom at the hands of persecutors, now including our own government.
He has Lourdes, Guadalupe and Fatima and lesser known apparitions of Mary, the Shroud of Turin, and one Eucharistic miracle after another. He has apostolic succession of the royal priesthood in an unbroken line. And saving the best for last, he has the Mass and the Sacraments, the source of whole torrents of grace with its summit in the Eucharist, confected by Christ's priest by the power of God, the priest acting as alter Christus (i.e. another Christ). He has confession which allows him to wipe the slate clean and the sins which, reaching back through time, put Jesus on the cross, but most of all he has the Eucharist, the unambiguous and actual, real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ without which no Catholic will likely enter heaven. Review John, chapter 6.
All of these are reasons why we have this section on the CAA website, to promote thought and reflection and even to build in desire for a closer realationship with Jesus through the Church He founded when He told Peter, "And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,* and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)
The importance of becoming and remaining a faithful Catholic takes on special importance in our time. To recap, we have been in never ending wars which recently have involved the Middle East and which threatens to include war with Iran. This of course is in addition to war in Ukraine involving a nuclear power in Russia. Russia and China, emboldened by a U.S. government with a feckless and weak foreign policy apparatus, have grown their nuclear arsenal to 2000 and 1000 respectively. Ruinous inflation is rampant again and real incomes are down for the middle class, offsetting selective rosy economic statistics reported by the government and causing families to live paycheck-to-paycheck with no emergency reserve, credit cards at their limit and seniors and others on fixed incomes seeing their buying power dwindle. Porn, including hard pronography has been introduced into our libraries and schools, accessible and promoted to children. Drag queen story hour takes place in cities and towns all over. Porn addiciton, gender confusion, and every manner of sexual behavior which misueses the power to create life, shared by God, is rampant. Principled debate and discussions have been shouted down and shut down by cancel culture. Careers have been derailed and individuals blacklisted by DEI radicals in government, business and institutions. The January 6 protest at the US Capitol was termed an insurrection while rioting and burning of multiple cities was rationalized and downplayed by a seemingly coordinated political and news machine which has long abandoned its watchdog role. Roe v. Wade was overturned but government and its allies have sought to restore abortion nationally and to persecute and marginalize crisis pregnancy centers and their tireless volunteers. Abortion remains legal in too many states. Over 300 Catholic churches have been torched or vandalized and the government has made no effort to prosecute the vandals. Our southern border admits unchecked throngs of illegal immigrants with terrorists among the entrants. Dangerous criminals are released from jail or are never arrested in the first place.
Satan is real. The testimonies of many exorcists reveal that demonic influence is everywhere in our own land. The now deceased exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis once told me that satanism is widely practiced among elected officials, our courts, in our penal system and in our legal and justice system in general. Satan's abode is hell and hell is real. Many set themselves up for an eternity in hell by trying to deny its existence. But saints and others have been given visions of hell. "Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour." --1 Peter 5:8
Then there is the matter of the infiltration by sexual perverts in our own Church who began with a wedge and then they held the door open for their friends. They must be purged once and for all. Heterodox Church leaders preaching a strange gospel at odds with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Catechism of the Catholic Church remain, though may being members of the 60s boomer generation are dying and being replaced by solid, orthodox men graduated from seminaries, post-Pope Benedict's visitation process of seminary reform. Still, the influence of unbelievers and perverts among us is potent and we must pray and fast for their conversion or departure.
We believe increasingly that the solution to our problems isn't found in politics. Belief that salvation or even utopia is found in a particular politician, political party or political solution is the end result of God's grace working, but too often we place these false idols before and beneath God. Such an approach is destined to failure. It has already failed and will continue to fail. You needs to be at least as passionate about your spiritual health and your willingness to seek the well being of your country as a spiritual problem as you are about your political beliefs; preferably more so.
As a nation we have passed a point of no return in which a return to God through the Catholic Church is the only way and even then we may endure chastisement in which the good will suffer with the bad, "so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous." --Matthew 5:45
A nation will not murder 40+ million unborn and yet gain the blessings of God on her enterprise.
Consider your own circumstances. There is no sin God cannot forgive. If a grain of sand on the beach is your sin, the ocean is His mercy but you must set aside ample time to consider in all seriousness your ultimate destiny. Only if you seek God's mercy will you receive it. Take time to watch this video about our own Ed Jozsa's near death experience.
If you are not Catholic, perhaps this is a good time to begin considering becoming Catholic. Converts to the faith describe their first confession and first Communion as events of indescribable joy. I'd love to see that. To be present at the happiest time in another's life is itself joy beyond words. It's like that. Call your local Catholic Church and tell them that you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. If for any reason they aren't overjoyed to help you begin that process, call another parish. We live in a sinful world full of division and sadly there are some Catholic parishes that choose various kinds and levels of rebellion against the Faith. You need to find the parish that's right for you. Most parishes will be delighted to take you under their wing, though.
Get to know Catholic Answers and the [Catholic] Coming Home Network. Read Scott Hahn's book Rome Sweet Home. You'll discover the parts of Scripture, belief and faith that were overlooked or ignored in your religious upbringing, more or less intentionally. The process of discovery is always satisfying.
If you are a lukewarm or "away" Catholic Catholic, it's never to late to begin taking your faith seriously. Come home. Time spent at Catholics Come Home is time well spent, and also deeply edifying.
If you are a practicing Catholic, make your goal ongoing improvement. It's a process described as divinization. "For the Son of God became man so we might become [like] God." (St. Athanasius). Turn up the temperature of your faith. For most of us, ongoing conversion is a gradual process and an unending struggle against sin which continues until we pass from this life to eternity. The extent to which the process isn't completed in this life has to be worked out in purgatory (if you aren't Catholic, research purgatory's scriptural basis--it was skipped over in your religious upbringing).
And if you are a practicing Catholic, you know that Mary meant it when she asked we pray the Rosary daily in reparation for the sins which so grieve her and her Son. This was her request at Fatima and Champion (Wisconsin, 1859) and in so many other appearances to us. If you're serious about saving the United States, you'll make the attempt.
America Needs Fatima Three Hail Mary Pledge
From the website "America Needs Fatima"
The Daily Examination of Conscience
To examine one's conscience daily is a positive duty of all Catholics but one that's easily overlooked. Here is a guide you may find helpful to both a short and ling form of the daily examen:
Step-by-Step guide to the Daily Examen
The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help or sought thy intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins my Mother;
to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful;
O Mother of thy Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions,
but in thy clemency hear and answer me.
Prayer Before Using the Internet
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Credit: Zuhlsdorf, Rev. John, What Does the Prayer Really Say, accessed 2/5/25,
Prayer for Catholic Aviation Association
Most Holy Mary, Our Lady of Loreto, we ask you to carry our prayer for the Catholic Aviation Association to God, Our Father.
Oh God, we seek to carry out Your divinely commissioned mission of taking the Good News of Your Son, Jesus Christ, into all the world. We seek especially to reach the world of aviation with His redeeming message of hope and salvation. We ask You to send the Holy Spirit before us to inspire the People of God to support this endeavor so that, in this difficult time in our beloved country, we may become a strong aviation arm, to help bring renewal to the culture, and hope, strength and opportunity to those who wish to rise up like eagles. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us. St. Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us.
"In the Divine Comedy, Dante wrote that praying without the patronage of Our Lady is like wanting to fly without wings. Let us then confide to Our Lady this heartfelt yearning and desire. The hands of Mary will be, for our prayer, a pair of pure wings that will carry it, with certainty, to the throne of God." (Quote from
Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino
Dear Saint Joseph of Cupertino, you patiently bore endured many trials, your secret was Christ the crucified Savior who said: "When I will be lifted up I will draw all peoples to myself." You were always spiritually lifted up. Please continue to lift me up and draw me ever closer to you.
As I fly today, please grant me the graces to have thorough recall of my procedures, excellent situational awareness, and astute decisionmaking as I encounter the challenges of my flight. Amen.
A Blessing from Saint Patrick
May the strength of God pilot you.
May the power of God preserve you.
May the wisdom of God instruct you.
May the hand of God protect you.
May the Way of God direct you.
May the shield of God defend you.
May the Hosts of God protect you.
Now and always.
Saint Patrick, please pray for me as I fly today.
A Litany Before Departure
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Jesus, hear me. Jesus, graciously hear me.
God the Father in heaven. Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world. Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Comforter and Spirit of Truth. Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God. Have mercy on us.
For those who support my flying activities. Lord have mercy.
That I will make good decisions as a pilot. Lord have mercy.
That I will make good moral choices while traveling. Lord have mercy.
For colleagues who need your healing touch. Lord have mercy.
For those in vocational training. Lord have mercy.
For those required to travel for reasons of hardship or a life crisis. Lord have mercy.
For those under my care to arrive safely at their destination. Lord have mercy.
For their loved ones and those dear to them, living and deceased. Lord have mercy.
For the salvation of all. Lord have mercy.
For good weather. Lord have mercy.
For a safe flight. Lord have mercy.
For all those who travel by air, sea and land this day. Lord have mercy.
For the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, for those who will die this day and for those who have no one to pray for them. Lord have mercy.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who forgives sins and shows boundless mercy. Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who gives us meaningful work to show forth your glory. Have mercy on us.
Jesus, gentle and humble of heart. Make our hearts more like unto thine.
Let us pray:
Grant that we, almighty God,
who have been given our flying vocation
and recalling the mercy and love of your beloved Son,
may be always made worthy of our vocation and to receive and
convey to everyone we meet, by word and deed, a yearning to receive and themselves transmit Your love and ample graces from the heavens among which
we ply Your gift of flight, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us.
St. Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us.
St. Padre Pio, pray for us.
St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.
Prayer for Pilots
Lord of the air and the earth, You made the whole world with creatures of the seas, earth and skies.
After the great flood you made a bird the first witness of the new order.
You have shown us your Spirit on wings of dove: I ask you to bless me as I take off to the skies. Make me a humble pilot, who marvels at the beauty of your creation.
Save me from turbulences of the air and my spirit.
Give me strength and full control over the plane.
Send your peace to the hearts and minds of all traffic controllers, and lead me safely to the runway, so that I may praise you safely back on earth. Amen.
Our Lady of the Skies—pray for me. (1)
Prayer for Flight Attendants
As I am being sent as a flight attendant, fill me with your love and compassion, so that I could ease the burden of travel.
Make me see in their faces your face and make me serve them, as I would serve You.
Give me strength, good health, and patience.
Make me alert to everything that is important as we take off to the skies.
Bless this trip I am taking, and after it is completed, grant me a good rest, so that I could take another trip praising you through all I will serve in your name. Amen.
Our Lady of the Skies - pray for me. (1)
Prayer for travelers
Almighty and loving Father, you are the Master and Creator of the Skies which belong to you.
Keep me safe in the flight I am about to take.
I pray you will keep me and my loved ones from all harm.
Comfort me, Lord, and bless me with your loving care.
Guard and guide me safely in my journey home.
This I ask in your name. Amen.
Our Lady of the Skies - pray for us. (1)
(1) Our Lady of the Skies at JFK Airport, accessed 2024-01-24,
Ideas for aviators and all travelers with idle time ranging from hours of daytime waiting to overnight, so common for those of us who fly! Take and make some of that a time to grow in faith with one or more of these activities:
_______ Chaplet of Divine Mercy
_______ Rosary
_______ Daily Divine Office
_______ Visit a church with Mass, Adoration and/or Confession
_______ Visit a church just to pray quily and be in God's presence
_______ Visit a nearby Catholic Shrine, if available
_______ Abstain from food (e.g. meat or dessert) at dinner
_______ Visit a Catholic bookstore
_______ Read the Scripture readings for the day and reflect
_______ Engage Lectio Divina
_______ Read a good Catholic book or periodical
_______ Conduct a GOOD examination of conscience
Credit: National Association of Priest Pilots newsletter, Dec. 2024
With limited resources at hand in a motel or while otherwise waiting, temptation to alcohol, porn or illicit sexual activity can be powerful and all these are often readily available, catalyzed and abetted by the internet. And the evil one, Satan and his army, takes those temptations and escalates feelings mightily. A powerful antidote to temptation is always to immediately turn to our Blessed Mother in the Hail Hary, prayed repeatedly until temptation subsides, but also consider this reflection by C.S. Lewis:
C.S. Lewis on chastity:
"Chastity is the most unpopular of the Christian virtues. There is no getting away from it; the Christian rule is, ‘Either marriage, with complete faithfulness to your partner, or else total abstinence.’
"Now this is so difficult and so contrary to our instincts, that obviously either Christianity is wrong or our sexual instinct, as it now is, has gone wrong. One or the other. Of course, being a Christian, I think it is the instinct which has gone wrong ... God knows our situation; He will not judge us as if we had no difficulties to overcome. What matters is the sincerity and perseverance of our will to overcome them.
"Before we can be cured we must want to be cured. Those who really wish for help will get it; but for many modern people even the wish is difficult ... We may, indeed, be sure that perfect chastity—like perfect charity—will not be attained by any merely human efforts. You must ask for God’s help. Even when you have done so, it may seem to you for a long time that no help, or less help than you need, is being given. Never mind.
"After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up and try again. Very often what God first helps us towards is not the virtue itself but just this power of always trying again. For however important chastity (or courage, or truthfulness, or any other virtue) may be, this process trains us in habits of the soul which are more important still. It cures our illusions about ourselves and teaches us to depend on God.
"We learn, on the one hand, that we cannot trust ourselves even in our best moments, and, on the other, that we need not despair even in our worst, for our failures are forgiven. The only fatal thing is to sit down content with anything less than perfection." — C. S. Lewis, p. 95 Mere Christianity