Chapters are charged with the duty to carry out CAA's plan for evangelization.
That plan is targeted at:
--helping, supporting and mentoring one another, including in times of crisis and temptation;
--working to save our one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church in this time of deep Church crisis; and,
--working to save our Nation.
Chapter meetings should be structured and should provide for activities which carry out this plan.
Chapter sizes can vary from small groups meeting at work or in a school during a break just to pray together, to larger groups meeting at a regular location for an hour or more. Frequency of meetings can also vary from once a week to every other week to once a month, depending on the needs and availability of members. Membership is open to all with an interest or career in any field of aviation.
Suggested format:
Open with prayer*
Review of prior meeting
Devotional reading or presentation
Break with refreshments
Aviation topic reading or presentation
Event, project or task planning:
1.) nurture mutual support.
2.) plan youth-related activities.
3.) pray for or plan prayer events for our Church.
4.) pray for or plan prayer events for our Nation.
a.) prayer spaces at airports.
b.) distribution of prayer cards.
Prayer requests.
Closing prayer including intentions for member prayer requests.
*from a simple prayer to the Rosary or Chaplet, or if the meeting is held in proximity to a daily Mass, all members should attend Mass whenever possible.