If you attended Catholic school or religious ed. in the 60's thru the 80's it's not in dispute that the quality of learbibg about the Catholic faith was frequently deficient. There are so many resources for learning on the internet in no way do we mean to be yet another source duplicating what has already been done so well. But now and then we feel like there are gaps we can fill, especially as regards the Mass (or if you're Eastern Catholic, the Divine Liturgy) and how to pray the Mass more effectively. There is so much we do by rote and often we don't know why we do what we do. This section attempts to correct that. In addition to liturgy topics, we encounter other topics of paricular merit we publish here.
I. Liturgy of the Word.
II. Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Holy, Holy, Holy, How to Pray the Sanctus by Jerod Staudt, Building Catholic Culture
Should you bow or look up at the elevation at Mass? by Philip Kosloski, Aletia
III. Miscellaneous.